Recent Articles
Climbing for The Freedom of Others
Women Scale Peaks Around the Globe to Assist At-Risk Women and Children
January 2014
Preschool Program in Rwanda Will Reach Children at Risk
Initiative Aims to Establish First National Pre-School Program in Rwanda
March 2013
Optivest Properties Joins Charity Storage
Announces Upcoming Charity Auctions in February
February 2013
Northrise University in Zambia Expands Reach and Impact
Mark and Trish Van Mourick Invited to Join Board of Trustees
September 2012
Reaching the Unreached
Developing a Strategy in Madagascar
September 2015

Sensing God’s invitation to engage with those who have not yet heard the good news of Christ, Warren Allan (President, Optivest Properties) and Matt Nash (Dynamic Church Planting International) spent a week investigating the remote part of southern Madagascar. Using relationships with local partners, a strategy will be developed to provide a holistic approach of meeting the spiritual, health and educational needs that exist.
The ethnic group in this region is defined in church planting language as an ‘unreached people group’ because it does not have an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement. Other contributing factors to this definition are the remote location, absence of national support, severe drought prone topography and little to no agricultural development.
The Optivest Foundation is excited to embark on and provide funds toward this multi year project and opportunity.