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Our vision is to make an impact through financial investments that change lives, for today and for eternity.
We fund strategic opportunities that are holistic, collaborative and Christ honoring.
Partner with us! Become an investor in a project or join us on a trip.
Join our online community of supporters and friends.

You are invited to partner with us!
Here are a few ways you can participate.

Engage with The Optivest Foundation

Fund A Project Or Initiative…

Investing alongside us will provide you a return beyond measure. How do you measure joy when you see health restored to someone sick or safety and love provided to an orphan? What number can you assign to a hopeful future for a woman rescued out of sex slavery or relief and economic potential given to a draught ridden community? While our society is fixated on numbers and the bottom line, with even NGOs falling to the trap of appeasing donors with impressive numbers, there is no number greater than 1 to us. One heart turned to the Lord, one child fed a nutritious meal, one more job to a hardworking father providing for his family.

The Optivest Foundation believes that partnering with individuals and organizations to achieve this “one” change is what it’s all about. Because where there’s the impact of one, there’s the difference in many; where one seed is planted, God will sow its beginnings into an immeasurable yield. We encourage you to invest your heart into these projects, with the joy of knowing that a difference can be made even with just one. Your heart will be changed. Guaranteed.

Join Us On A Trip…

Traveling alongside us will provide you a first hand experience that is also difficult to measure. While the adage that you will be more impacted by the individuals you will serve than you may have impact on them has become a bit cliché, it is no less the truth. Serving a developing community is one of the hardest jobs you will ever love. It doesn’t take a doctor or a micro-finance expert to make an impact – it just takes an individual with the willingness and humility to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Optivest Foundation organizes trips throughout the year to investigate new initiatives, follow up on existing projects and experience whatever God has intended for us on that particular day. Past trips have included Sumba, Indonesia and Haiti, with new and exciting opportunities continually arising.